College Prep is an academic success program designed to inspire the dream of a college education and help youth link future aspirations with academic goals.
From 1st-5thgrade, the focus is on developing positive habits through daily homework help, mentoring, and tutoring. We foster a love of learning through fun, challenging academic enrichment activities. We begin building youngsters’ awareness of college through exposure experiences and encourage their college aspirations.
Once Club members enter the 6th grade, the program continues to provide those same academic support systems but becomes much more focused on life after high school.
Middle and high school youth are exposed to college visitations, a college resource center within the Club, guest speakers, SAT/ACT preparation, and parent information meetings for financial aid, loans, and scholarships.
Through the Clark College Penguin Promise Program, up to 25 youth can receive a full or prorated scholarship to the college based on when they enter the program.
For additional details about the College Prep program, please contact: